- Are you totally comfortable in the public library environment and know your way around?
- Would you rather go anywhere but a public library to do your whakapapa research? Why?
- Have you, in the course of doing your whakapapa research, had a really great or really terrible experience at the library? Why was it great or terrible?
- Are there specific resources that you'd like your public library to have that it's not currently providing?
- Do you think that staff at public libraries have enough experience and training in the area of whakapapa research?
- Do you use library catalogues to help you find things in the library?
- What do you think public libraries should be doing to make life easier for people researching whakapapa?
- Anything else you're dying to get off your chest about public libraries and whakapapa research?
If any of these questions strike a chord with you, then please post a comment below or email me.