Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Pilot survey underway!

Well finally there is some movement with my research project. I have begun circulating the pilot survey amongst members of Te Rōpū Whakahua - Māori in Libraries and Information Management and in a couple of weeks the public survey should be ready to go in the following libraries -
  • Auckland City Libraries, Central City Library, Auckland Research Centre
  • Wellington City Libraries, Central City library, New Zealand Collection
  • Christchurch City Libraries, Central City library, Aotearoa New Zealand Centre
  • Dunedin Public Libraries, City library, 3rd floor

I will keep you posted!

1 comment:

OhangaiBoy said...

Kia ora Moata,

Firstly, I would like to congratulate you for your wonderful blog, and wish you all the best with getting as many people as possible to complete your questionnaire. I will try and get to the Auckland Library to get one, or is there an electronic copy one can obtain.

In the last 3 years I have assisted my sister in her research of our whakapapa. She was doing it the traditional way, manually, collating others' efforts.
Our family website was created to get those who believe they are part of our family to come forward with information, and let us know.
I have since created an online family tree where we share our findings as additions and corrections can be conveyed to all concerned, even outsiders.

You can contact me at

Thank you for your valuable time. Ma te wa.

Harvey Tutauha