Saturday, November 10, 2007

2.4 Expected benefits of the research

The information seeking behaviours, and needs of whakapapa researchers have not so far been investigated in LIS research. As both the popularity of genealogy and the proportion of Māori represented in the population increase it will be necessary for librarians to have information on how to best meet the needs of this group of users. If library professionals make assumptions about what whakapapa researchers require in public libraries on the basis of research done in North America they run the risk of making poor decisions and potentially alienating this user group. Māori have often had issues around using libraries in the past and this has been discussed by those in the library field such as Szekely (1997). The expectation in conducting research that addresses Māori cultural factors in family history research is that it will result in a more informed public library service. The data gathered in this study will inform the final recommendations made there. These recommendations will be practical, achieveable steps that public libraries can take that will enhance the service and library experience of whakapapa researchers in New Zealand.

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