Saturday, November 10, 2007 Survey Content

The content of the questionnaire (Appendix 2) was similar to that previously used by Kuglin (2004) (pp. 26-28) and was grouped into the following categories –
  • Whakapapa research experience and interest
  • Finding the information you need in the library
  • Librarian provided assistance
  • Computer knowledge and experience
  • General information about you

However there were changes to question options provided to make them more relevant to users of Māori information sources, and where necessary additional questions were included, for instance in the “General information about you” section, in order to highlight demographic information needed to answer the research questions of the study. Some questions used in Kuglin’s study were omitted in the interests of keeping the questionnaire to a size that would not make it too time consuming for respondents to complete.

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