Saturday, November 10, 2007

Appendix 2. Survey Questionnaire

Survey Questionnaire

Whakapapa Research Experience and Interest

1. How did your interest in whakapapa research begin? (tick any boxes that apply)
o a. for posterity (to keep a record for future generations)
o b. to learn about my roots, about who I am.
o c. to carry on work already begun by another family/whānau member(s).
o d. to keep my whakapapa researcher wife/husband/partner company.
o e. to trace medical conditions in a family tree
o f. for religious/spiritual reasons.
o g. for employment (as a paid researcher).
o h. to meet living relatives.
o i. because I enjoy the company of other whakapapa researchers/genealogists.
o j. I had to provide whakapapa to qualify for an education grant/scholarship.
o k. I had to provide whakapapa to register with my iwi.
o l. Other reason. Please state. ______________________________________________________

2. How long have you been researching whakapapa? (tick one box that best describes you)
o a. less than 1 year.
o b. 1-2 years.
o c. 3-4 years.
o d. 5-10 years.
o e. more than 10 years

3. How much time on average do you spend doing whakapapa research? (tick the one box that best describes you.)
o a. less than an hour a month (less than 12 hours a year)
o b. 1-3 hours a month
o c. 4-15 hours a month (about 1-3 hours per week)
o d. 16-25 hours a month (about 4-6 hours per week)
o e. 26-40 hours a month (about 7-10 hours per week)
o f. 41-60 hours a month (about 11-15 hours per week)
o g. over 60 hours a month (more than 15 hours per week

4. While the rest of this questionnaire relates specifically to your whakapapa research in public libraries, this question asks about which libraries, archives, museums and iwi rūnanga you have visited to do whakapapa research. (Tick any that apply.)
o a. Local public library
o b. Public library in another city or town.
o c. National Library of New Zealand/Alexander Turnbull Library
o d. Archives New Zealand (National Archives)
o e. Local museum or museum library.
o f. Museum or museum library in another city or town
o g. Marae-based library
o h. Genealogical society library
o i. Latter Day Saints (Mormon) Family History Centre
o j. Iwi rūnanga whakapapa unit/office
o k. Other: Please state. ­­­­­­­­­­__________________________________________

5. How often on average do you go to a public library to do whakapapa research? (Tick one box that best describes you.)
o a. 2-3 times a week.
o b. once a week.
o c. 2-3 times a month.
o d. once a month.
o e. every 3-4 months.
o f. twice a year.
o g. once a year or less.

6. How much time on average do you spend per visit to the library to do whakapapa research? (tick the one box that best describes you.)
o a. less than 1 hour
o b. 1 hour
o c. 2-3 hours
o d. 4-5 hours
o e. more than 5 hours

Finding the information you need in the library.

7. If you were to visit a new library that you are unfamiliar with to do whakapapa research what is the first thing you would do? (Tick the one box that applies.)
o a. consult the genealogy reference librarian
o b. consult the Māori reference librarian
o c. search the library catalogue
o d. browse the genealogy shelves
o e. browse the Māori collection shelves
o f. look for a brochure or other printed guide to introduce me to the collection.
o g. use the online whakapapa sources.
o h. Other: Please state.

8. If you were to visit this same library (as in question 7) again what is the first thing you would do?
o a. consult the genealogy reference librarian
o b. consult the Māori reference librarian
o c. search the library catalogue
o d. browse the genealogy shelves
o e. browse the Māori collection shelves
o f. look for a brochure or other printed guide to introduce me to the collection.
o g. use the online whakapapa sources.
o h. Other: Please state.

9. Which of the following sources do you use when researching whakapapa in a public library? (Please tick any that apply)
o a. Births, deaths, marriages index
o b. Electoral rolls
o c. Census records
o d. Cemetery/Urupa records
o e. Church records
o f. Māori Land Court/Te Kooti Whenua Māori records
o g. Other land records
o h. Military records
o i. Telephone/postal directories
o j. Published genealogies or family histories
o k. Waitangi Tribunal reports or evidence
o l. Other: Please state. ___________________________________________
10. How do you most frequently find a whakapapa source that is useful to your research? (Rank the following in the order of frequency, 1 being the most frequent and 6 being the least frequent).
_____ a. by checking the computer catalogue
_____ b. by browsing the shelves
_____ c. by reading a printed brochure or guide
_____ d. by asking the librarian
_____ e. by consulting a fiche or CD-ROM index
_____ f. Other: Please state.

11. When you find a source that you can use, how often do you:

a. read the introduction and instructions. (Tick one box that best describes you.)
o a. Never
o b. Seldom (about 1 time in 10)
o c. Occasionally (about 3-4 times in 10)
o d. Frequently (about 5-6 times in 10)
o e. Usually (about 7-10 times in 10)

b. read the bibliography or footnotes to find other sources. (Tick one box that best describes you.)
o a. Never
o b. Seldom (about 1 time in 10)
o c. Occasionally (about 3-4 times in 10)
o d. Frequently (about 5-6 times in 10)
o e. Usually (about 7-10 times in 10)

Librarian provided assistance

12. Which of the following have you used to help you do your whakapapa research? (Tick any that you have found useful.)
o a. A brochure introducing the collection.
o b. A brochure explaining how the books and microfiche/microfilms are organised on the shelves.
o c. A map showing where whakapapa resources in the library are shelved.
o d. A printed list of all the sources in the collection arranged by subject. (eg. Land sources, Church sources )
o e. A printed list of all the sources in the collection arranged by geographic location. (eg. Northland/Tai Tokerau, Canterbury/Waitaha)
o f. A brochure on how to do whakapapa research.
o g. A guide on the library website about the library’s whakapapa sources.
o h. A video/DVD about the library’s whakapapa sources.
o i. A guided tour of the collection containing whakapapa sources.
o j. Other: Please state.

13. How often on average do you ask a librarian for help with your whakapapa research in a given library visit? (Tick one box that best describes you.)
o a. less than once a visit
o b. at least once a visit
o c. 2-3 times a visit
o d. 4-5 times a visit
o e. More than 5 times a visit

14. What have you asked a librarian for help with? (Tick the four most frequent reasons.)
o a. to find a family/whanau name
o b. to find a source (book, microfilm, etc.) that I know the name of.
o c. to learn what is in the collection
o d. to figure out how to use the source I have already found.
o e. to learn how to use the library’s computer catalogue.
o f. to learn how to use a genealogy CD-ROM that is in the library computer.
o g. to learn how to use the microfiche or microfilm readers.
o h. to find out how to print something out.
o i. I have never asked a librarian for help.
o j. Other: Please state.

Computer Knowledge and Experience

15. How do you rate your experience as a general computer user? (Tick the one box which best describes you)
o a. No experience (Go to question 21)
o b. Beginner (less than a year)
o c. Moderately experienced (1-2 years)
o d. Experienced (3-4 years)
o e. Very experienced (5+ years)
o f. your comment:

16. In what ways do you use a computer for your whakapapa research? (Tick any that apply)
o a. to record research results (i.e. use genealogy software, or word documents)
o b. to search genealogy/whakapapa sites on the internet.
o c. to search library catalogues.
o d. to use genealogy/whakapapa CD-ROMs
o e. to communicate with other whakapapa researchers (via email, letters, newsgroups, or online forums)
o f. Please state any other ways.

17. On average, how often do you find information useful to your research by browsing the shelves? (Tick one box that best describes your success rate.)
o a. Never
o b. Seldom (about 1 time in 10)
o c. Occasionally (about 3-4 times in 10)
o d. Frequently (about 5-6 times in 10)
o e. Usually (about 7-10 times in 10)

18. How often do you use the library’s computer catalogue when you are looking for whakapapa resources at the library? (Tick the one box that best describes you.)
o a. Never (Go to question 20)
o b. Seldom (about 1 time in 10)
o c. Occasionally (about 3-4 times in 10)
o d. Frequently (about 5-6 times in 10)
o e. Usually (about 7-10 times in 10)

19. On average, how often do you find information useful to your research using a library catalogue? (Tick one box that best describes your success rate.)

o a. Never
o b. Seldom (about 1 time in 10)
o c. Occasionally (about 3-4 times in 10)
o d. Frequently (about 5-6 times in 10)
o e. Usually (about 7-10 times in 10)

20. If you never or rarely use the library catalogue, which of these reasons describes why not. (Tick any of the boxes that apply) (Frequent catalogue users go to question 21)
o a. I can’t figure out how to use it
o b. I don’t know what words to use to do my search
o c. I can never find what I want
o d. I prefer to browse the shelves
o e. The catalogue doesn’t “understand” Māori words
o f. Other: Please say why you don’t use the library catalogue

General information about you

21. Gender: o Female o Male

22. In what age group are you? (Tick one box)

o 20 or under o 21-30 o 31-40 o 41-50
o 51-60 o 61-70 o Over 70

23. Do you have any Māori ancestors/tūpuna yourself?
o yes o no o not sure

24. When doing whakapapa research, whose ancestors do you research? (tick any that apply)
o a. my own
o b. my spouse/partner’s
o c. my friend’s
o d. my children’s
o e. my grandchildren’s
o f. those of other genealogists/whakapapa researchers
o g. those of a client, as a paid researcher

25. Before you started doing whakapapa research, how often on average did you use a library? (Tick the one box that best describes you.)
o a. 2-3 times a week or more.
o b. At least once a week.
o c. 2-3 times a month.
o d. Once a month.
o e. Every 3-4 months.
o f. Twice a year.
o g. Once a year or less.

26. Before starting whakapapa research did you have any experience doing research in a library that resulted in writing an article or a report?

o a. Yes o b. No

27. Which public library do you use most often do to whakapapa research?


Thank you for taking the time to complete this questionnaire.

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